What I Learned From Watching The Soul Train Line

The Soul Train Line is one of my favorite things. Ever. Besides being a few minutes of total joyfulness and exuberance, I also believe it has something to teach us beyond dancing. If you're not familiar with Soul Train or the part of the show I'm talking about, take a look. 

So good, right? As a kid, I discovered Soul Train by accident. It came on after all the cartoons were over. The opening call of THE SOOOOUUUUUUULLLL TRAAAAIN promised something amazing was coming, so I kept watching. It totally delivered.

All these years later, I regularly fire up YouTube and watch some Soul Train Line dancers do their thing (I like the 1970s era best). For me, these videos deliver instant euphoria and remind me there is a better version of me I can be. Here are some of the things I've learned watching the Soul Train Line...

Get out of your head and into your body.  

Most of us live in our heads much of the time. We overthink, overanalyze. Let your body call the shots for awhile. Let your feet and hips and shoulders be the boss of you. Shake that ass and with it, fling your anxieties, self-doubt, and regrets across the room. Move that bag of bones! 

Loosen up. 

This whole being alive business is better if you aren't so tightly wound. Unclench! 

Do your own thing. 

We are all dancing down the big line and it's a lot more interesting if we're each moving in our own way. Kick up your heels or do a little shuffle. Pump your fists above your head or snap your fingers down by your sides. Synchronize with your partner or totally wing it. Dance your own damn dance, only you can. 

Cheer others on. 

Clap and whoop whoop from the sidelines. Be encouraging. Be delighted by what your fellow dancers are doing out there. Be an exclamation mark for others. 

Don't hog the dance floor. 

Don't overshadow your partner. Pay attention to who's next to you. Be inspired by each other, 'yes, and' their moves. Take up the room you need, but leave space for others to get down. And give everyone a heads up if you're going to do a high kick near their heads. 

Be a little outrageous.

Express yourself. Have a little flair. Or go all-out freaky. Develop a personal style. Wear something you love, that makes you feel more you. Knickers, suspenders, and a big floppy bowtie? Satin leisure suit? Hell yes!


The dance floor is calling you! This is what's playing right now. See you out there. 

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