So much of what we talk about helps me everyday
— A.B.

The synthesis you offer and the reflective dot connecting you do is so helpful
— B.A.

Thank you for all the strategy, planning, and work we do with our sessions. It’s all paying off in exciting ways.
— R.M.

You are a warrior against bullshit.
— K.P.

I’ve never felt more confident in myself and my decisions.
— T.V.

Working with you has been priceless.
— D.E.

I feel like I’ve learned so much about who I am not just as a creative, but also as a person. I feel fully equipped and encouraged to face challenges ahead. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
— X.C.

Coaching gave me perspective and sense of confidence
— P.D.


“There's a sense of psychic companionship working with you.” A.B.


“I love to perform and be the center of attention. I’d always thought of that as a negative thing, that I shouldn’t be proud of that. But working with you helped me realize this is really about entertaining people and making them feel good. And that is a really cool thing.”

M.B. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)


“Pam is for creatives”M.A.


“As a creative person, the idea of a life/job coach was rather scary to me. I knew I needed help, but I was worried that I wasn't corporate enough or that because I'm not a linear thinker, I would be a poor candidate for coaching. Wow, I was so wrong. Pam knows exactly how people like me think (all over the map!) and honors it! Working with Pam over the last year has been incredible. She has helped me navigate my way through work and life challenges and I feel so much more centered and focused and free from many obstacles that were standing in my way. Anyone (creative or not) would be lucky to work with a coach like Pam. She's getting a big 5 stars from me!” A. B.

My hope for what we could accomplish together has not only been met but exceeded, which is super exciting! You have really been my biggest cheerleader as I learn to stop pushing and just cool my jets in this new life direction. It's wild to think that at this time last year, my life was dramatically different. Everything has shifted and with your help found a real center. I feel really good about where my work is headed. I have a sound business plan and my most important job right now is to just keep going on the path that I've created to support my next steps, whatever those may be. — L.A.S.

“I was having a hard time finding my own artistic voice within Koreanness. I was unsure of my identity in my culture. That was an important time for me. I feel like that was the beginning of something big for me. Now I feel a lot more comfortable. You really kind of gave me the push to explore that side of myself. My Korean is a little better now! My artwork has evolved a lot because of that. It opened up a lot of opportunities for me.” C. C. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)

The coaching process is like working out with a trainer versus working out on your own.” — L.G. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)

“As I look back over the progress I have made over the last year, I feel more confident, self-assured, and comfortable in my authentic self. I know myself better than I ever have. Pam gave me the tools to tackle issues big and small, and I think of her wisdom often as I navigate becoming the person who I want to be. For me, it became less about the what and more about the how and the why. As someone who has an interest in everything and wants to please everybody, Pam's gentle, curious, and deliberate guidance helped illuminate my core values, needs, and wants. I am 100% more accountable to myself than I was a year ago. And I'm just happier! I applied many of our coaching sessions to my professional life and am indebted to her guidance through one of the hardest years of my public health career.” M.E.

“I’m sure all coaches are helpful, but I feel so lucky that I got you as my coach. You are beyond terrific and I wish everyone could invest in themselves with Pam. You’re a deep, positive and beneficial guide."


“Since coaching with you, I think about my behavior and notice when I’m getting in my own way. A major thing I realized about the way that I was operating for a long time, and that coaching helped me through, was this myth that as long as I was being productive in some way, everything else was fine. I’ve come to a place where I realize there will planting times and harvesting times — it doesn’t have to be this relentless thing where I’m burning myself out because I’m thinking in order to keep up I have to keep doing doing doing all the time. It’s very much not in my nature to cut myself slack, but I think that coaching really helped me see that is a very necessary part of being a human being.” — E.L. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)


“You were like a highlighter for me, you helped me see what was important to me.” — C.C.

“I was really hung up on the idea of only pursuing something if it’s financially worthwhile. Constantly thinking I have to turn what I do “creatively” into money. But in reality there is not very much joy for me in making a bunch of the same item. Coaching helped me to step away from that way of thinking and really has allowed me to just explore my own vision or artistry which in return brings joy to other people who see my stuff and that makes me pretty happy.” — M.M. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)


“Thanks for all your help this year, it's truly been transformative.”

"Without Pam's guidance, I would still be fighting with myself wondering what I should be doing and feeling bad because I wasn't doing it. Pam asked me the right questions and honed in on what was most important to me. This sounds like a simplistic answer, but with all the distractions of daily life and the baggage of personal history, it's often hard to keep those values in sight. Pam gave me the tools to ask myself big picture questions and actually find the answers. It's awesome to have someone like Pam in your corner." — D.S.


“I am a collaborative person. I love when I have other people to go back and forth with, a kind of intellectual volleyball. That’s what coaching offers. Somebody to be throwing ideas off of, and somebody feeding ideas to you. I am looking at the world through this one perspective in this moment, based on my current context, which isn’t who all of me is, and coaches are a good reminder of showing up and who to be and different approaches. — T.D. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)

"I came to the coaching process ready to upend how I’d been living. For several years, I made my way through life and work in what I describe as 'default mode.' Things were by no means bad, but they also weren’t rad. Pam totally lit me up. Our conversations felt easy and casual. She strikes a balance between charming and serious that inspired me to jump straight into the work without cynicism or fear of judgement. Pam helped me drill right into it. I knew I felt out of whack, but she allowed me to put those feelings into words. Then, we used those words to recalibrate—turning things up, down, on, and off. Now I feel as confident and joyful as I did in childhood, with the self-awareness and wisdom that comes from putting in the time." — B.L.


"I had a strong, instantaneous calling from my gut when I saw your post [about wanting to help people connect with their creativity]. I had been quietly wrestling with wanting to feel or identify more as a creative person. So much was already inside me and you clearly saw that and helped me to see it. And you gave me some great tools to stop getting in my own way. I feel reconnected to a deeper part of myself — I feel more like "me." It was a wonderfully transformative experience. I am so grateful for it!" S.W.


Having gotten to know you as an individual has been really inspiring, because I have followed your journey and your identifying the goals that you have and especially with your creative work.” D.W. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)

"For most of my life, I've been a poster child for overachieving, just-put-your-head-down-and-work Gen Xers. This led to a crisis of both career and life, in which I was unable to break a cycle of serving others' agendas at the expense of my own happiness. Enter Pam. She helped me recognize the patterns that were holding me back and experiment with strategies to re-architect how I viewed myself and what work could fit in—rather than be— my life. She didn't tell me what to do. She gave me the tools to make important decisions on my own. A truly invaluable experience that I still draw on to stay grounded today." P.Q.


“In our coaching, Pam introduced concepts that transformed how I deal with frustration and other uncomfortable feelings — which used to derail me before. Overall, as a result of coaching, I have learned how to say no and not feel guilty about it — a crucial piece of the balance puzzle for me. I have pulled away from relationships that are harmful for me and found ones that work. I forced myself to have super honest communication with myself and the people in my life. In doing this I feel true to myself in a way I didn’t before. I can walk through life everyday knowing I said what I needed to say. And this more honest approach to life has had and continues to have far reaching impact." J.B. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)


"With Pam holding a space for my concerns, I was able to work through a lot of things within just a few sessions. And while it felt great to check a lot of things off my long-standing to-do list, there was an (unexpected) lasting benefit: Pam helped me articulate an enduring set of personal values, principles, and common pitfalls that will guide me in my work, life, and collaborations for years to come." C.T.


"Working with Pam brought a light of magic to my life as I explored and uncovered hidden truths about myself. Her casual but thoughtful approach allowed me the space and motivation to move past some hindering road blocks and into a place where stepping out of my comfort zone wasn't as frightening. I'm forever grateful to have had her humor and support guide me through this transition." J.H.


"Recently, I've been dealing with a lot of change in my life that has been painfully overwhelming. Pam's practical support and insightful guidance have made this complex transition feel manageable, and even exciting! Having her as a sounding board and using her tips and exercises, I've never felt more confident in myself and my decisions. And unlike counseling sessions I've tried, her relaxing, genuine, and hilarious disposition makes the experience less awkward and more fun." — T.V. (see my conversation with this client on the blog)