Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.
— Gail Sheehy


People hire coaches for all kinds of reasons, but the common theme is the desire for change.

Some feel stuck and aren't sure how to move forward. Some have that is this all there is? feeling and want more for their lives. Others are clear about what 'more' looks like for them, but want partnership, support and accountability getting there. The reasons are unique to each person. 


In coaching, we work together to uncover what makes you feel most alive and amazing.

We all have instances in our lives when we feel most ourselves, most alive, when things just feel right. Maybe it's floating down a river in a canoe or making people laugh. Maybe it's speaking at a conference or reading to your kids. Maybe it's running a marathon or finally writing that book. Maybe it's playing the accordion in a tiny top hat.

We explore what is blocking you from living a life full of meaning and purpose.

Maybe it's the judgmental voice in your head that says you suck. Maybe it's a stressful job or a relationship that's not working. Maybe you procrastinate or your confidence has taken a hit recently. Maybe you think your dreams are unattainable (or stupid). Maybe you're afraid. Or exhausted. Maybe you’ve lost your way. Maybe you don't have an accordion. 

We work together to plan the way forward. 

In coaching, we peel back the layers and find what's core for you. As you envision the life you want and the You you want to be, we ground our coaching in what brings the most meaning, purpose and aliveness for you.  From that place, we envision new possibilities and plan the way forward.

Then you take action.  

During coaching, you'll start to see certain things differently, you'll try on different ways of thinking about your life. And from this new way of seeing, you’ll act. It's not atypical for people to do bold things, things they didn't think they could do before. For others, making small shifts brings big change. The degree of change depends on what's right for each person, but people don't come to coaching because they want more of the same. It's all about inching or leaping into possibility. 

I stand with you. 

As you go through the coaching process, I am with you, reflecting back, making suggestions, connecting the dots and partnering and collaborating with you the whole way. Sometimes I'll be off on the sidelines cheering you on, other times I might be (kindly and encouragingly) in your face, reminding you of what you want, of what’s important to you. Pushing and pulling you toward your vision.

p.s. I also love supporting coaches who are enrolled in The Co-Active Training Institute’s certification program.