Books On Being Alive In This Wild, Wild World

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I spent most of my twenties working as an independent bookseller, a job (and identity) I loved and was proud of. I spent a short time after that working in publishing, and in my early forties, I tried to buy the bookstore in my neighborhood when it went up for sale. I’m grateful my offer wasn’t accepted, because then I wouldn’t have become a coach, another job (and identity) I love and am proud of. But I still, from time to time, really miss the good old bookselling days. 

My clients and I talk books all the time and I recently made my own little bookshop on My inner bookseller is pretty happy about it. I’ll keep adding to it, but for now you can find some of the books I often recommend to my clients (and them to me) as well as titles I just love or am thinking about right now. There are books on creativity, self-discovery, and just being human in this wild, wild world. 

(P.S. Full disclosure: This is an affiliate account and I will make a little scratch on each sale (my get rich at a glacial pace scheme!), which I will, without a doubt, use toward buying more books. And as always with, each sale benefits independent booksellers around the country, win-win!).

pamela daghlian